Georgina Adams
Georgina has been on our committee for over 24 years. After many years as the Vice Chairwoman she was promoted to Chairwoman in 2018.
Georgina has owned Rottweilers since 1983 and is a Championship Show Judge. Her first Championship Judging appointment was in 2006 and she has judged on many occasions since.
With her Jhava Rottweilers she has had great success in the show ring making up four home bred dogs as Champions with many others gaining challenge certificates and numerous reserve challenge certificates along with an overseas Champion.
Georgina mainly concentrates on exhibiting in the show ring, although currently not as regularly as in previous years. Other Jhava Rottweiler owners have had success in obedience and working trials.
Georgina (along with the rest of our team) believes that the Rottweiler should have beauty and brains and remain a working dog!
Georgina bred and owned the top female Rottweiler in 2015 and to date has been awarded 27 Challenge Certificates 25 reserve Challenge Certificates with her own dogs. There are many more that have had top awards that she has bred or are progeny of her stud dogs.
Georgina remains passionate about the British Rottweiler Association and under her guidance and the support of our amazing team, she continues to work tirelessly to promote not only responsible Rottweiler ownership, but our events - whether that be working tests, breed showing, Kennel Club Breed Appreciation Days (B.A.D), Temperament Assessments and obedience competitions.
With Georgina at the helm we look forward to the future success of the British Rottweiler Association.