Camilla Anthony
Events Coordinator
Camilla joined the BRA Committee in July 2023. Rottweilers are her life-long obsession. She was lucky enough to spend her childhood years with two rottweilers, and her teenage years with those owned by family friends. Her parents dabbled in showing at various local open shows with their bitch, but unfortunately weren’t able to continue, and then the heartbreak of losing Max and Holly in close succession, meant they had to wait for a grand-dog to be produced!
Although Camilla loves all dogs, she thinks there is nothing quite like a Rottweiler, and can’t imagine herself with another breed. However, sensibly she would not promote them to everyone!
As an adult, Camilla started to spectate around the show-rings on a regular basis and her passion for the breed grew. At Crufts 2018, she was introduced to Keith and Christine Robinson, who bred, and were kind enough to trust her with, her very own Rottweiler!
Camilla is extremely proud of what she has achieved with Ember (Tazmanic Black Magic Woman) both in and out of the show-ring. Ember qualified for Crufts 2022 on her first outing. Out qualifying the post-graduate class, she gained her studbook number in her first limit class, August 2022, and placed fourth in her Crufts 2023 class.
In true Rottweiler enthusiast style...it didn't take long for another Rottweiler to find his way in to Camilla's home!
Camilla is a valued member of the committee and is not only our Events Coordinator, but along with all of our team, she works tirelessly behind the scenes to put on events, shows and maintain the success of the British Rottweiler Association as we move in to the future.